I Section of Science and Technology
(3) Time Difference Comparison Compensation (TDCC) Method in Control Systems
 PID (Proportional, integral and differential) control occupies 80 percent of the feedback control in an actual feedback system even at present.
This method is a way using the time difference comparative compensator which we have developed as a new comparing element of a feedback control system using PID controller, By using this method, two degree of freedom control becomes possible by the parameters of this compensator (basically, two parameters exist) accompanied with the PID parameters. This a conrolability near the optimal control may be obtained. Moreover, when this is applied to digital control, the dead beat control becomes possible without excessive manipulation variable.
The detail is in here  .
II Drawing a Figure with Mathematics

(5) Equation of Egg Shaped Curve II
Novel type expression of egg shaped curves has been proposed by Mr. ITOU, and contributed to this page in March, 2008.
The detail is here  .
(6) Equation of Egg Shaped Curve III

Mr. Yasuyuki ASAI has informed another novel type of the equation expressing the egg shaped curve to Yamamoto in July, 2009. Under the informed equation, numerical calculations are performed by YAMAMOTO.
The detail is here  .
(7) Equation of Egg Shaped Curve IV
Mr. Yasuyuki ASAI has informed the other novel types of the equations expressing the egg shaped curve to Yamamoto in July, 2009. Under the informed equation, numerical calculations are performed by YAMAMOTO.
The detail is here  .
(9) Equation of Egg Shaped Curve VI
We will treat a transformation of the equation from a convex circle into that of an egg shaped curve.
The detail is here  .
(10) Equation of Egg Shaped Curve VII
Mr. Yasuyuki ASAI has informed the more novel type of the equation expressing the egg shaped curve to Yamamoto in April, 2011.
The detail is here  .

(12) Equation of Heart Curve
Heart curves are tried to be drawn by two kinds of simple calculation. The most simple way is thought to be that the each part of a circle is pulled up by some rate into a heart curve.
The detail is here  .
(13) Heart Curve II
It is tried that a cardioid is reformed into a heart curve by two kinds of method.
The detail is here  .
(14) Heart Curve II b
It is tried that a Cardioid is reformed into a heart curve as samely as in the section 3 of the previous page of Heart Curve II in the manner that the conversion equation of Eq.(9) in the previous page of Heart Curve II is displaced to the equation using inverse-trigonometrical function from that using the square root function.
The detail is here  .
(15) Heart Curve III

Equation of heart curve is tried to be composed with the use of the exponential function.
The detail is here  .
(16) Spade Curve
We find only a heart curve, which may be adopted as the shape of a spade after the top and the bottom of the heart curve were made reverse, among a lot of the obtained heart curves.
The detail is here  .
(18) Equation Expressing Star or Flower Graphics
On the base of "Equation of Concave Circle" introduced in the above column, we have tried to derive the equation expressing an asteroid or shape of a flower.
The detail is here  .
(19) Flower Graphics
We try to produce shape of flower by calculation with the use of computer as an application of "heart curves II" introduced in the above column.
The detail is here  .
(22) Napier's Constant and Exponential Function
 Napier's constant performs the main role expressing linear natural phenomena.
The reason stands on the caracteristics that the derivative of exponential function is the exponential one itself. In this page, we intend that some foundation of its reason is made clear in respect to both the algebraic ultimate-value's expression of the Napier's constant and the analytic treatment of the exponential function.
The detail is here  .
(25) A Simple Simulation of Seashore Wave
To solve the form of seashore wave in hydrodynamic system is very difficult for the reason of a strong nonlinearity. Although the scientific acuracy is not expected, we try to simulate the form under simple assumption in this treatise.
The detail is here  .
(26) Apple Shaped Curve
When a Cardioid is deformed into another figure with introducing some exponential functions, an apple shaped curve is found accidentally.
The detail is here  .
(27) 3D Displays of Egg and Apple
The request is informed from Mr. Svein Daniel Solvenus to Yamamoto in 2011 how we can make 3D display of an egg with the use of the equations described in the above sections (4) and (5).
The detail is here  .
(28) 3D Display of Spirals on an Egg and an Apple
I received from Mr. Joshua Gottdenker the message in 2011 that he wants to make a model of shape similar to the spherical spiral onto an egg instead of a sphere.
The detail is here  .
III Leisure and Strange Matter
(30) Slightly Rare Nature-View 30.1 Parhelion
In August of 1991, we encountered the phenomenon of parhelion in the evening at Naka city, Ibaraki prefecture in Japan.
The detail is here  .
30.2 Cloud with Clear Outline
In Sep. 23 (Sun.), 1990, the left picture was taken at a parking lot (2700 meters of altitude) of Mt. Norikura (3025.6 meters of altitude) in Japan.
View of the parking area taken after this cloud has left the immediateness for the left side slowly is shown in the lower right.
The detail is here  .
30.3 Snow cloud
In Oct. 23, 1994, the upper pictures of snow cloud were taken at Shibu mountain pass (2152 meters of altitude) in Nagano pref. in Japan.
The detail is here  .
30.4 Foot of a Rainbow (At a Rainbow Bridge)
We encountered the foot of a rainbow at Kitsuregawa, Sakura city, Tochigi Pref. Japan by the influence of slow typhoon No. 12 in Sep. 3rd (Sat.) in 2011.
The detail is here  .
30.5 Black Clouds as Seen in a Picture Book
When we drove a car on Rt. 18 in Annaka city, Gumma Pref. in Japan towards Nagano, we came occasionally under big black clouds at 16:00, Sep. 23 (Fri.), 2011.
The detail is here  .
30.6 Large Hail with Three Centimeters of Diameter
Large hail has fallen in Hitachinaka city of Ibaraki prefecture in Japan, an hour after Tsukuba city of the same prefecture was seized with a tornado in May 6th, 2012.
The detail is here  .
30.7 Annular Eclipse
An annular eclipse was seen in the Japanese wide area in the morning on Monday, May 21st in 2012. It was around 7:36 in Hitachinaka, Ibaraki where we live. I took pictures of the annular eclipse projected from a pinhole blankly by a digital camera.
The detail is here  .
Large Mushroom Cloud
Around noon on July 22, 2000, I was under a large mushroom cloud on the Joban Expressway Moriya SA.
It is here
(31) Solid Picture ?
A pair of pictures, which are used for left eye and for the right eye respectively, are prepared as like as used in a usual solid picture. The respective pictures are cut on the slit lengthwise and the respective pictures for the left and the right are pasted together alternately. In this simple way, a solid picture (?) is thynthesized.
The detail is here  .
(32) Color Code
Starting from the three primalies, color code is shown clearly.
The detail is here  .
(33) Additional Various Pictures
Additional various pictures are gathered which are not contained in the articles.
The detail is here  .
Strange Objects
In 2019, I noticed a small black dot and a white blurred point in each of the two photos which I took before.
These are here_
(35) Short and Simple Melody
A short and simple melody was made in the dream which I saw early in the morning of Jan. 23, 2018.
This melody is here  .
When execution file of music performance does not come out, click on the download file name (short_and_simple_melody.mscz) displayed in the lower left of the screen and wait a while. After the file comes out, click the performance start button on the upper stage.
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