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The inventor of Flash Memory, the inventor of DVD and the finder of
the relationship between Gene and Sugar Chains were my classmates


[1] Dr. Fujio MASUOKA who is the inventor of Flash Memory is the professor emeritus of Research Institute of Electrical Communication, Tohoku University, Japan.   He is one of YAMAMOTO's classmates of 1966 year's graduation in Department of Electronic Engineering, Faculty of Engineering in Tohoku University.   He was a quiet person and listened to all the lectures earnestly sitting up straight.   The Medal with Purple Ribbon was granted to him by the Emperor of Japan in 2007 and the 2013 Japan's Order of Persons of Cultural Merit Award was received.
    Flash memory, one of thte biggest inventions of the century was made in 1980's.   Nowadays, we all receive benefit directly or indirectly from this invention.This invention in the field of semiconductor electronics is praised equally to, or more than the discovery of transistor action and the invention of its transistor by Shockley , Bardeen and Brattain in the second half in 1940's,  the invention of the PIN diode, the electrostatic induction transistor and the other several species of transistors by Jun-ichi NISHIZAWA in 1950's,  the discovery of the tunnel effect in the tunnel diode (Esaki diode) and the invention of its tunnel diode by Leona ESAKI in 1950's,  the invention of the integrated circuit by Kilby in 1958 and  the invention of the blue LED by Shuji NAKAMURA in 1990's.
    Prof. emeritus Jun-ichi NISHIZAWA was Dr. F. Masuoka's teacher in Research Institute of Electrical Communication, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan.

    It is heard that "Flash memory" was denominated by F. Masuoka himself expecting "the remarkable invention in the limelight such as a flash of camera".
    Maybe, this thought of the expectation stands on the simile that the action of the flash memory, in which electrons carrying the information move into the floating gate of a ferro-dielectric thin film layer with tunnel effect, is compared to the action of the ordinary camera in which a picture is recorded on a film.

[Hall of Fame to Computer History Museum in the United States, etc.]   Dr. Fujio MASUOKA was enshrined in the Hall of Fame to Computer History Museum (CHM) in the United States in 2010 and also to Consumer Electronics of America (CEA) in 2011.   Moreover, he was awarded the Progress Medal, the highest honor of the Photographic Society of America (PSA) in 2012.

    We will introduce Masuoka's pictures in his college days (in 4th April, 1965) below, when he was enrolled in Department of Electronic Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan.

(When the following pictures are clicked, you can see these by expansion.)
Mr. Fujio MASUOKA (the right) in the
student days with Mr. Seiji ASAMI (the left)
who is one of his class mates.

Taken by Nobuo YAMAMOTO
(administrator of this homepage)
in Apr. 4th (Sun.), 1965.
Mr. Fujio MASUOKA (the right) in the
student days with Mr. Hideaki AOKI (the left)
and Nobuo YAMAMOTO (the center)
who are also his class mates.

Taken by Dr. Seiji ASAMI
in Apr. 4th (Sun.), 1965.

[2] Dr. Hisashi YAMADA , who is called as the inventor or the father of DVD and belonged to Toshiba Corp. in Japan, is one of YAMAMOTO's classmates in the course of Liberal Arts in Faculty of Engineering in Tohoku University at 1962 year's entrance in Japan.   He was bright and intelligent.

(When the following pictures are clicked, you can see these by expansion.)
School of reberal arts in Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan,
and Sendai-city district spread in the east

Taken in April 16th (Fri.), 1965.

Night view of Sendai-city district spread in the south
Taken in May 11th (Tues.), 1965.

[3] Dr. Naoyuki TANIGUCHI was granted the Medal with Purple Ribbon by the Emperor of Japan in account of the discovery on a genetic behavior related to sugar chains in 2005, and who is the professor emeritus of Graduate School of Medicine, Osaka University , Japan, is one of YAMAMOTO's classmates in the 8th class of the 3rd year's grade recorded as the 11th graduates in Sapporo-Minami senior high school in Hokkaido, Japan.      He was a moderate person and was one of the most excellent students.
   Furthermore, he won the 101st Japan Academy Prize on June 11th in 2011.

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Updated: 2010.10.28, edited by N. Yamamoto.
Revised on Feb. 14, 2013, Jan. 26, 2014, Feb. 18, 2015, Mar. 16, 2015, May 01, 2020, May 04, 2020, Jan. 28, 2021, May 08, 2021 and Mar. 26, 2022.